The Arsenal Files 3
The Arsenal Files 3.iso
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File List
347 lines
█████ Arsenal Reviews, Configs, Etc.
█████ Path: \ARSENAL
ACS_0001.GIF Cover Art - The Arsenal Files 1
ACS_0002.GIF Cover Art - The Arsenal Files 2
ACS_0003.GIF Cover Art - Gamers Arsenal
ACS_0004.GIF Cover Art - By Popular Request
ACS_0011.GIF Holiday Shoppers line up to get on the
ACS_0012.GIF Holiday Shoppers take an alternative mode of
ACS_0013.GIF Who would have guessed that an open sleigh
would be a slow moving vehicle?
ACS_0014.GIF Kansas State Trooper Checking out the scene
of an accident
ACS_0015.GIF This was the sign post that got hit at the
accident scene... now we know why they
prohibit pedestrians!
ACS_0016.GIF A battered old barn by the side of the road.
ACS_0017.GIF Majestic view of three flags flying at the
Kansas Capitol Building: The US Flag, the
Kansas Flag, and the POW-MIA Flag.
ACS_0018.GIF A bright red tree standing next to a statue
on the Kansas Capitol Grounds
ACS_0019.GIF A full view of the Capitol Building in
Topeka, Kansas
ACS_0020.GIF The statue of Abraham Lincoln at the Capitol
Building in Topeka, Kansas
ACS_0021.GIF The three flags flying next to the Capitol
ACS_0022.GIF A closeup of Abraham Lincoln's statue
ACS_0023.GIF The bust of Abraham Lincolns statue on the
Capitol Grounds in Topeka, KS
ACS_0024.GIF Greyscaled photograph of Alan Bechtold,
publisher of the Trade Newspaper SysOp News
and Cyberworld Report, drawing out the
winning name in our First Annual Pioneer
Multichanger Giveaway. Dr. Alaa Gaafar of
Cairo, Egypt was the lucky winner!
ACS_0025.GIF Welcome to the "Dark Sun"...
ACS_0026.GIF The Dark Sun hides behind some clouds...
ACS_0027.GIF A dark, forboding nebula?
ACS_0028.GIF Another dark, forboding nebula..
ACS_0029.GIF Boarding the school bus, while the dog looks
forlornly on...
ACS_0030.GIF A child boards the school bus, while the dog
looks forlornly on...
ACS_0031.GIF A closeup of the Kansas Frontier Woman statue
on the Kansas Capitol Grounds
ACS_0032.GIF Carving on the side of a building
ACS_0033.GIF Memorial to slain Law Officers in Kansas
ACS_0034.GIF Closeup of a replica of the Liberty Bell
ACS_0035.GIF Flags silhouetted against a sunset
ACS_0036.GIF One view of the Kansas Capitol Building
ACS_0037.GIF Statue "Dedicated to the Pioneer Women of
Kansas" as seen on an autumn day.
ACS_0038.GIF Contrails at night
ACS_0039.GIF The Christmas Light Show at the Capitol
Building puts on quite a show...
ACS_0040.GIF A Big, Bright Red Tree...
ACS_0041.GIF Another view of the Capitol Building, where
it towers above you...
ACS_0042.GIF Replica of the Liberty Bell on display with
the Kansas Capitol Building in the background
ACS_0044.GIF Lit up Christmas trees in front of the Kansas
Capitol Building
ACS_0045.GIF The Kansas Capitol Building lit up at night
ACS_0046.GIF SAC Museum - just what everyone needs... a
MK-36 thermonuclear bomb!
ACS_0047.GIF SAC Museum - This MIG-21 sits almost under
the wing of a traditional adversary...
ACS_0048.GIF SAC Museum - Front end view of a parked B-17
ACS_0049.GIF SAC Museum - One missile and one payload
ACS_0050.GIF SAC Museum - 3/4 view of the "King Bee" B-17
ACS_0051.GIF SAC Museum - A closer look at the nose art on
the "King Bee" B-17 bomber
ACS_0052.GIF SAC Museum - a drone sits on a carrier
ACS_0053.GIF SAC Museum - This is one BIG prop plane!
ACS_0054.GIF SAC Museum - A British Vulcan bomber
ACS_0055.GIF SAC Museum - a B-29 bomber rests on the
ACS_0056.GIF SAC Museum - The Goblin experimental fighter.
ACS_0057.GIF SAC Museum - A large B-36 bomber looms
ACS_0058.GIF SAC Museum - The Goblin experimental fighter
in a 3/4 front view
ACS_0059.GIF SAC Museum - B-17 bomber in a side view
ACS_0060.GIF SAC Museum - Cruise missiles, then and now
ACS_0061.GIF SAC Museum - A B-25 bomber with the nose art
"Desert Doom"... and it's sitting in snow!
ACS_0062.GIF SAC Museum - The B-25 "Desert Doom" as seen
from a 3/4 view from the front
ACS_0063.GIF SAC Museum - An early Air Force helicopter
ACS_0064.GIF SAC Museum - A Catalina Flying Boat
ACS_0065.GIF SAC Museum - F-111 fighter/bomber sitting
inside a hangar
ACS_0066.GIF Iced-over tree in the dead of night
ACS_0067.GIF GIF of the cover of Tech Arsenal 2!
ASIANHOT.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Asian Hot Pics
=== Type: Adult
CURR942.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Current Shareware '94 #2
=== Type: Shareware
CURRENT3.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Current Shareware 3
=== Type: Shareware
DOMINA.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Domin-a-tricks
=== Type: Adult
DOOMHELP.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: DOOM Helper
=== Type: Shareware
DOOMMANI.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: DOOM Mania
=== Type: Shareware
FORWOMEN.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: For Women Only
=== Type: Adult
HOTBODIE.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Hot Bodies
=== Type: Adult
INTERINF.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Internet Info
=== Type: Shareware
MEDIA942.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Monster Media 94 #2
=== Type: Shareware
MMED943.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Monster Media '94 #3
=== Type: Shareware
ONLINE4.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Shareware Online 4
=== Type: Shareware
ORIENT1.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Oriental 1
=== Type: Adult
ORIENT2.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Oriental 2
=== Type: Adult
PGG1.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: PGG1 "Fantasy"
=== Type: Adult
PIER6.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Pier 6
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: PCBoard
SAPPHIRE.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Software Vault Sapphire
=== Type: Shareware
SOUNDMOD.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Sound Mod 1
=== Type: Music
SVCOLLG2.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Games Collection #2
=== Type: Shareware
SWCOLLW2.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Windows Coll. #2
=== Type: Shareware
TAF2.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: The Arsenal Files 2
=== Type: Shareware
TECHAR2.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Tech Arsenal 2
=== Type: Shareware
TNAMAXX1.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: T&A 2 the Maxx Series
=== Type: Adult
ULTGAME.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Ultimate Gameware
=== Type: Shareware
UNDER17.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: Under 17
=== Type: Adult
WORLDOF.ZIP === Arsenal CD-ROM Review
=== Disc Name: World of.. (many)
=== Type: Shareware
ZCUR942P.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Current Shareware 94 #2
=== Type: Shareware
ZCUR942S.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Current Shareware 94 #2
=== Type: Shareware - Spitfire Lists
ZCURRS3P.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Current Shareware #3
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: PCBoard
ZCURRS3S.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Current Shareware #3
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: Spitfire
ZDOOMHPP.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: DOOM Helper
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: PCBoard
ZDOOMHPS.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: DOOM Helper
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: Spitfire
ZMED942P.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Monster Media 94 #2
=== Type: Shareware - PCBoard Lists
ZMED942S.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Monster Media 94 #2
=== Type: Shareware - Spitfire Lists
ZMM943P.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Monster Media '94 #3
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: PCBoard
ZMM943S.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Monster Media '94 #3
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: Spitfire
ZNOWL14P.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Nightowls v14
=== Type: BBS Ready Shareware
=== File List Format: PCBoard
ZNOWL14S.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Nightowls v14
=== Type: BBS Ready Shareware
=== File List Format: Spitfire
ZONLIN4P.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Shareware Online 4
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: PCBoard
ZONLIN4S.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Shareware Online 4
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: Spitfire
ZPIER6P.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Pier 6
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: PCBoard
ZPIER6S.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Pier 6
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: Spitfire
ZSAPPHP.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Software Vault Sapphire
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: PCBoard
ZSAPPHS.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Software Vault Sapphire
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: Spitfire
ZSNDMODP.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Sound Mod 1
=== Type: Music
=== File List Format: PCBoard
ZSNDMODS.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Sound Mod 1
=== Type: Music
=== File List Format: Spitfire
ZSVCLG2P.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Games Collection #2
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: PCBoard
ZSVCLG2S.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Games Collection #2
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: Spitfire
ZSVCLW2P.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Windows Collection #2
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: PCBoard
ZSVCLW2S.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Windows Collection #2
=== Type: Shareware
=== File List Format: Spitfire
ZTAF2P.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: The Arsenal Files 2
=== Type: Shareware - PCBoard Lists
ZTAF2S.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: The Arsenal Files 2
=== Type: Shareware - Spitfire Lists
ZTAF2WP.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: The Arsenal Files 2
=== Wildcat Special Edition
=== Type: BBS Ready Shareware
=== File List Format: WILDCAT.BBS
ZTECHR2P.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Tech Arsenal 2
=== Type: Shareware / Technical
=== File List Format: PCBoard
ZTECHR2S.ZIP === SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
=== Disc Name: Tech Arsenal 2
=== Type: Shareware / Technical
=== File List Format: Spitfire v3.5